Title Page

Templates and Examples

Please download a title page template in order to correctly format your master's or doctoral title page and refer to the additional instructions below. You can also consult the master's or doctoral title page example as you format your title page.

Doctoral Title Page Minor Example (PDF)
With Minor or Concentration.


  • All margins should be 1 inch and must be consistent on all sides of the page.
  • All font should be the same size and should be set to either 10 pt. or 12 pt.
  • Do not display a page number anywhere on the page.
  • Do not use boldface type on the title page.
  • Capitalize the title, BY, your name, and either THESIS (for master's thesis) or DISSERTATION (for doctoral dissertations).
  • Your name on your title page should match what appears in the University's system.
  • The text block beneath THESIS or DISSERTATION should appear as follows:
  1. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
  2. for the degree of <add earned degree> in <add major>
  3. with a concentration in <add concentration>
  4. with a minor in <add minor>
  5. in the Graduate College of the
  6. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, <add year of degree conferral>
  • The major must fit entirely onto line 2 of the text block.
  • Most students will not include lines 3 or 4. There are very few campus-approved graduate concentrations and graduate minors. (The list of campus-approved graduate minors can be found here.) If a concentration or minor cannot be verified by the University’s records, it will not be allowed on the title page.
  • The year in line 6 of the text block must be the year of the degree conferral period for which the student will deposit (e.g., if a student deposits in December 2015 for the May 2016 graduation period, the year in the text block should be 2016).
  • Master’s students will use the heading “Adviser:”, "Advisers:", or “Master’s Committee:”, depending on which is applicable or preferred.
  • Doctoral students will use the heading “Doctoral Committee:” to list the final examination committee.
  • For committees, the committee chair should be listed first, and the director of research (adviser) should be listed second; all other committee members may be listed in the order preferred by the student or the student’s adviser.
  • The committee chair should be indicated by adding a comma and the word “Chair” after the chair’s name. The director of research (if different from chair) should be indicated by adding a comma and the phrase “Director of Research” after the director’s name.
  • “Co-Chair” and “Co-Director of Research” designations may be used when applicable.
  • Faculty members should be listed with their professorial title (i.e., Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, etc.). The professorial title should be spelled in full (do not abbreviate) and listed before the faculty member’s name.
  • Affiliations should be listed only for committee members who are not University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty (i.e., departmental affiliations should not be listed).

Thesis Order

1. Copyright Page (Optional)

Page Numbering

No page number

2. Title Page

Page Numbering