Admissions Forms
Conference Travel Awards
Doctoral Examination Forms
Graduate Faculty Requests
Fellowship / Grant Processing and Nomination Forms
- Fellowship Processing System (FEPS) is used to initiate fellowship appointments as well as stand-alone and courtesy waivers. To request access to the FEPS contact NOTE: This new system replaces the use of the rating form, concurrent appointment approval request form, and the stand-alone and courtesy waiver request form.
Individual Fellowship Nomination Forms
Graduate Student Request Form / Electronic Petition System
Graduation and Degree Certification
Registration Requests
- Auditor's Permit (use PDF + submit directly to the Registrar's Office at
- Credit-No Credit (students initiate registration requests via the Graduate College Student Portal)
- GC499-498 Registration
- GC599 Registration (students initiate registration requests via the Graduate College Student Portal)
- In absentia Registration (students initiate registration requests via the Graduate College Student Portal)
- Late Registration & Late Course Change (students initiate registration requests via the Graduate College Student Portal)
- Request for Academic Leave of Absence Form
(use PDF + Graduate College Form Drop-off)
- Note that Withdrawal/Cancellation Forms cannot be submitted directly by a student; this form can only be submitted by an authorized departmental signatory.
Student Records Forms
Thesis Deposit & Doctoral Committee Forms
- Submit fully signed PER, FER and TDA Forms through the Graduate College Form Drop-off*
*Access is controlled through roles in the Graduate College Roles and Access Manager (GC-RAM)
- Preliminary or Final Exam Committee Request
- Master's Thesis TDA Form (student students initiate registration requests via the Graduate College Student Portal)
- Note: The Doctoral Dissertation TDA Form is generated when the final exam committee is approved. There is no action for a student to take.
- Doctoral Exit Survey (doctoral students only; link leads to page with additional information)
- Embargo Request Form
- Survey of Earned Doctorates (Ph.D. & J.S.D. candidates only; link leads to registration for online survey)
- Thesis Withholding Request Form (for patent evaluation; form maintained by the Office of Technology Management) (PDF)